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I'm a dad of 12 - our kids always have the same row & it's not over food or toys

I'm a dad of 12 - our kids always have the same row & it's not over food or toys

A DAD-of-12 has spoken out about the one thing his kids always fight about - and it's not what you'd expect.

Ben Sullivan, 49, and wife Zoe, 45, and their dozen children make up one of Scotland's biggest families.

The couple are parents to Elisabeth, 19, Olivia, 17, Noah, 14, Evangeline, 12, Tobias, 11, Agnes, six, Joseph, five, Florence, two, and two sets of twins - Charlotte and Isabelle, 16, and Leah and Erin, eight.

Ben was in charge of taking some of the kids swimming in nearby Lossiemouth.

And a battle broke out between the youngsters.

While many may think arguments could occur over sharing toys or getting in each others' way, it was actually a much simpler issue the children were fighting over - who gets to sit where in the car.

Ben explained: "Fighting who's going in what car seat, fighting who's going where, fighting who's going in the front."

So when the family have a journey to make, the car seating arrangements have to be made in advance.

Dad Ben said: "We had to have a negotiation and Leah went in the front on the way over, Toby went in the front on the way back, and then on Tuesday, Agnes is going to go in the front.

"This is the dilemma you have when you have lots of kids - it's who's going to sit in the front, who's going to sit in the middle, who's going to sit in the back.

"This morning we had a whole argument until I stepped in and said 'you're sitting there, you're sitting there and you're sitting there'.

The mum - who often gets up before 6am to make sure she's ready for the day - says there's one hour-long task that Zoe says is the "most challenging".

The task in question, changing the beds on Leah, Erin and Agnes' triple bunk.

She previously said: "I find these beds are probably the most challenging beds because you just think 'oh change a bed, changing single beds, easy, do it in seconds'.

"This thing [triple bunk] takes just, it's a lot and I find I'm one of those people that you kind of sometimes put it off and then it gets bigger and bigger in your head.

"It's only changing the beds so sometimes my advice would be to just do it, just do it and then it's done and you're done."

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