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Construction Substantially Complete On Fairview West Project

Construction Substantially Complete On Fairview West Project

The Fairview West project reconstructed six miles of Montana Highway 201 (MT 201), including two miles of new alignment north of Fairview. As part of the realignment, a new intersection was constructed at MT 201 and Montana Highway 200 (MT 200) north of town, which is expected to reduce commercial traffic congestion in Fairview and enhance motorist safety.

"We're happy to be finishing another successful construction season," said Wickens Construction, Inc. Project Manager Mike Lutes. "We're grateful to everyone who slowed down and kept an eye out for our crews in the construction zones."

MDT constructed a roundabout at the intersection of MT 201 and MT 200, along with other improvements, including the reconstruction of the intersection with County Road 350. Further enhancements provided drivers with wider roadways and shoulders, better sight distance, updated and restored pavement markings, and improved signage to safely guide travelers to their destinations.

Roundabouts work well at intersections like the junction of MT 201 and MT 200, where traffic volumes fluctuate throughout the day. By eliminating the need for vehicles to come to a complete stop, roundabouts promote continuous traffic flow during all hours. Drivers simply slow down, look to their left, and merge into the roundabout before traveling around the circle towards their destination.

In the next few weeks, please watch out for crews finishing up shoulder work, like seeding, installing signs, and installing guardrail.

Project Manager Jerry Phillips, MDT Glendive District, expressed appreciation for motorists who were vigilant during the past two construction seasons. "Our road crews worked diligently and safely, but they can only do so much without the attention and care of drivers. We thank everyone who slowed down and respected the 'cone zone' to help protect workers as traffic passed through the project area. We're glad to be on the home stretch and would appreciate your continued caution next spring when we are back out here to chip seal."

Crews will return next spring to apply seal and cover (chip seal) and permanent roadway markings. MDT will get in touch with the schedule and anticipated impacts closer to work resuming.

Visit the project website to learn more: https://www.mdt.mt.gov/pubinvolve/fairviewwest.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback on this project or the public involvement process, please get in touch with Ella Currier at [email protected] or 406-465-7198.

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