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How to beat the heat to avoid a hospital visit or even death

How to beat the heat to avoid a hospital visit or even death

(WSAW) - Going outside is going to be a little difficult these next few days. With a heat advisory warning, summer activities will have to look a little different to avoid the risk of having a heatstroke.

Monday could be the hottest day of the year so everyone needs to stay hydrated, but here's the thing, you may not be able to tell if you're dehydrated. Many people feel normal and don't feel the need to drink water until it's too late. Health experts say to listen to your body because not all of us are going to need the same amounts of water to stay hydrated.

"There's not a magic number for every single person on what is the right amount of fluid to drink, but we do recommend with extreme weather like this to avoid things like alcohol consumption or even caffeine, " Marathon County Health Department Director of Family Health and Communicable Disease Merana Eggebrecht said.

One of the most basic things you can do if you really need to be outside is change your schedule to a cooler time.

"We also want to make sure that people are avoiding the hottest time of the day," Eggebrecht said. "So if they need to be outside working on things, maybe do it either earlier in the day or later when it's a little bit cooler."

However, if there's no need for you to be outside, stay inside.

"It's a good option if you have air conditioning if you have a cool place to stay today to stay in at least during that heat advisory time of 1 to 8 p.m.," said Eggebrecht.

The same advice can go for people who are on medication.

"Sometimes medications can impact how the body regulates temperature. The best advice there is making sure that anyone that has a chronic condition is staying in a cool, air-conditioned area," Eggebrecht said.

Kids are also a vulnerable group, so it may be best for them to stay inside too.

"Better to do indoor recess when we have extreme heat," said Eggebrecht.

The department also says public libraries will be open as go-to places to cool off. Times will not change due to weather. You can also get help from The United Way by dialing 211.

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