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CITY OF DAVENPORT - LEGALS - Ad from 2024-09-06

CITY OF DAVENPORT - LEGALS - Ad from 2024-09-06

City of Davenport, Iowa City Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday, August 28, 2024 The City Council of Davenport, Iowa met in regular session on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Davenport City Hall, 226 West 4th Street, Davenport, Iowa with Mayor Matson presiding and all Aldermen present except Alderman Jobgen (In person: Alderman R. Dunn, Alderman Kelly, Alderwoman Meginnis, Alderman Reinartz, Alderwoman Newton, Alderwoman Lynch, Alderman T. Dunn, and Alderwoman Burkholder; Via telephone: Alderman Gripp*). *Due to technical issues, Alderman Gripp was disconnected at some point during Public with Business. I. Moment of Silence II. Pledge of Allegiance | Led by Alderman Reinartz III. Roll Call IV. Meeting Protocol and Decorum V. Approval of Minutes APPROVED Approval of the City Council Meeting minutes for August 14, 2024. VI. City Administrator Update VII. Report on Committee of the Whole APPROVED Approval of the Report on Committee of the Whole for August 21, 2024. CITY HALL, 226 WEST 4TH STREET, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday, August 21, 2024 -- The Davenport City Council met in Committee of the Whole at 5:30 p.m. with Mayor Matson presiding. The Council observed a moment of silence. Pledge of Allegiance led by Alderman Reinartz. Upon the roll being called, all Aldermen were present except Alderwoman Newton (Alderman R. Dunn, Alderman Kelly, Alderwoman Meginnis, Alderman Reinartz, Alderman Gripp, Alderwoman Lynch, Alderman T. Dunn, Alderman Jobgen, and Alderwoman Burkholder.). The following Public Hearings were held: Community Development: 1. on the proposed conveyance of vacated West 5th Street between Cedar Street and Howell Street to Davenport Community School District, Petitioner; and 2. for Case REZ24-03 being the request of Davenport Community School District to rezone approximately 12.71 acres of land located at 715-909 East 36th Street from R-3 SingleFamily and Two-Family Residential District to SIC Institutional Campus District. The following Presentation was held: Mayor Recognition of Davenport Civil Rights Staff | Life Saving Incident on July 5, 2024. Action Items for Discussion: (The votes on all motions were by voice vote. All votes were unanimous unless specifically noted.) Community Development: Alderman Gripp reviewed all items listed. On motion by Alderman Reinartz, second by Alderwoman Meginnis all items moved to the Consent Agenda. Public Safety: Alderman Jobgen reviewed all items listed. On motion by Alderman Kelly, second by Alderman R. Dunn all items moved to the Consent Agenda. Public Works: Alderman R. Dunn reviewed all items listed. On motion by Alderman Kelly, second by Alderwoman Meginnis all items moved to the Consent Agenda. Finance: Alderwoman Lynch reviewed the one item listed. On motion by Alderman T. Dunn, second by Alderman R. Dunn the item moved to the Consent Agenda. Council adjourned at 5:59 p.m. VIII. Appointments, Proclamations, Etc. A. Appointments APPROVED 2024-365 1. Housing Commission -Donald Hinton (new appointment) IX. Petitions and Communications from Council Members and the Mayor X. Individual Approval of Items on the Discussion Agenda XI. Approval of All Items on the Consent Agenda On motion by Alderman Reinartz, second by Alderwoman Meginnis and all Aldermen present voting aye, the Consent Agenda was approved as follows. 1. Third Consideration: Ordinance amending Schedule XIII Seven Ton Weight Limit of Chapter 10.96 entitled "Schedules" of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa by adding 5th Street from Western Avenue to Gaines Street thereto. [Ward 3] ADOPTED 2024-366 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-366 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCHEDULE XIII SEVEN TON WEIGHT LIMIT OF CHAPTER 10.96 ENTITLED "SCHEDULES" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF DAVENPORT, IOWA BY ADDING 5TH STREET FROM WESTERN AVENUE TO GAINES STREET THERETO. Section 1. That Schedule XIII Seven Ton Weight Limit of Chapter 10.96 entitled "Schedules" of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following: 5th Street from Western Avenue to Gaines Street. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any of the provisions of this ordinance are for any reason illegal or void, then the lawful provisions of this ordinance, which are separable from said unlawful provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect, the same as if the ordinance contained no illegal or void provisions. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effective after its final passage and publication as by law provided. Adopted 8/28/2024: Mike Matson, Mayor; Attest: Brian Krup, Deputy City Clerk 2. Third Consideration: Ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 13.34 entitled "Stormwater Management" of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa to clearly convey intent and to ensure compliance with recent state legislation regarding regulation of topsoil and stormwater at construction sites. [All Wards] ADOPTED 2024-367 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-367 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 13.34 ENTITLED "STORMWATER MANAGEMENT" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF DAVENPORT, IOWA TO CLEARLY CONVEY INTENT AND TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH RECENT STATE LEGISLATION REGARDING REGULATION OF TOPSOIL AND STORMWATER AT CONSTRUCTION SITES. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DAVENPORT, IOWA: Section 1. That Subsection 13.34.060 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.060 Requirements for Stormwater Management Plans A. No application for development will be approved unless it includes a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) detailing how runoff and associated water quality impacts resulting from the development will be controlled or managed. This plan must be prepared by an individual approved by the City of Davenport, typically the applicants engineer, and must indicate whether stormwater will be managed on-site or off-site and the location and type of practices. B. The stormwater management plan(s) shall be referred for comment to all other interested agencies, and any comments must be addressed before approval of the stormwater management plan. This plan must be signed by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Iowa, who will verify that the design of all stormwater management practices meets the submittal requirements outlined in the Davenport Stormwater Manual. No building, or COSESCO permits shall be issued until a satisfactory final stormwater management plan, or a waiver, shall have undergone a review and been approved by the City Engineer or their designee after determining that the plan or waiver is consistent with the requirements of this ordinance. C. A stormwater management plan shall be required with all permit applications seeking approval under Chapter 13.34 of the Davenport Municipal Code and will include sufficient information (e.g. maps, hydrologic calculations, site topography, soils, aquatic resources, etc.) to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the project site, the potential impacts of all proposed development of the site, both present and future, on the water resources, and the effectiveness and acceptability of the measures proposed for managing stormwater runoff generated at the project site. The intent of this planning process is to determine the type of stormwater management measures necessary for the proposed project and ensure adequate planning for management of stormwater runoff from future development. The information required in the plan can be found in the Davenport Stormwater Manual. D. In conjunction with the requirements above, a landscaping plan must be submitted as part of the civil construction plan set to describe the vegetative stabilization and management techniques to be used at a site after construction is completed. This plan will explain not only how the site will be stabilized after construction, but who will be responsible for the maintenance of vegetation at the site and what practices will be employed to ensure that adequate vegetative cover is preserved. This plan must be approved prior to issuance of a permit for construction of the project. Stormwater management practice landscaping may be combined with the Zoning Code, Chapter 17 landscaping requirements, provided it meets all code requirements. E. Review and modifications to the stormwater management plan and the Maintenance & Repair Agreement, as deemed necessary by the City of Davenport, shall be completed prior to approval. The stormwater management plan shall include all the information required in the Stormwater Management Plan outline found in the Davenport Stormwater Design Manual. In addition, the originally signed and notarized, approved Maintenance & Repair Agreement shall be submitted to the City for signature prior to recording at the Recorders Office of Scott County. No permits shall be issued until this document has been received by the Natural Resources Division. The City will record the document and return the original to the person or company designated on the agreement. Section 2. That Subsection 13.34.080 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.080 Construction Inspections B. All applicants are required to submit "as built" plans for any stormwater management practices constructed prior to a final inspection of the site if any city-approved field adjustments were required during project installation that result in discrepancies from existing approved plans. The plans must show all final construction and must be certified by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Iowa. A final inspection by the City of Davenport is required before the release of any performance securities or issuance of certificate of occupancy for the building(s) on the property for which the stormwater system was constructed. Section 3. That Subsection 13.34.100 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.100 Waivers A. Factors that may generate a waiver: 1. Shallow Bedrock 2. High Groundwater 3. Hotspots or Contaminated Soils 4. Existing Infrastructure Elevation Conflicts Section 4. That Subsection 13.34.120 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.120 Runoff Calculation A. Design flows shall normally be calculated using the procedures outlined in the Soil Conservation Services, Technical Release No. 55 "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds" and the "Iowa Users Guide and Supplement" for said Technical Release No. 55. For drainage basins of twenty acres or less, the Modified Rational Method may be used. For drainage basins greater than twenty acres, TR-55 may be used, or other method approved by the City Engineer. For drainage areas larger than 2,000 acres or for situations where the methods described above are not appropriate, TR20, HEC-1, HEC- HMS or other approved alternatives may be used. Section 5. That Subsection 13.34.130 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.130 Storm Sewers B. An acceptable method of determining the flooded width of the street shall be the use of widthdischarge curves. C. An acceptable method of determining catch basin capacity for various conditions shall be the use of capacity charts. E. For culvert and ditch conveyance frequencies, guidance per ISWMM Chapter 2 must be used. F. Prior to acceptance of storm sewer installed by private contractor, all storm sewers and structures must be cleaned and televised to ensure that they meet acceptable City standards. Televising will be completed as detailed by the City standards, and inspection files shall be provided to the City Engineer or their representative for review and acceptance. Fees for this service shall be set from time to time by City Council resolution and will be billed to the developer or property owner and must be paid before the system will be accepted and released for further development. Section 6. That Subsection 13.34.140 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.140 Excess Stormwater Passageway B. Where specifically approved by the City Engineer, the excess stormwater passageway may consist of a conduit. In such cases, the capacity of the conduit shall be twice the capacity necessary to convey the one-hundred-year stormwater flow. G. Spot elevations should be listed on the final grading plan at each rear lot corner, at the mid-point of the side yard line, and along the proposed drainage ways and easements. Section 7. That Subsection 13.34.150 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.150 Open Channels A. The size and shape of open channels shall be designed to meet the requirements of runoff, depth, side slopes, gradient, and velocity limitations in accordance with the site conditions. Channel capacity shall be based on one-hundred-year storm frequency. Manning's Formula as cited in most civil engineering handbooks, shall be used in hydraulic design of open channels. A minimum cleaning velocity of 3 ft/s should be used for the design storm per the ISWMM Chapter 2, Design Frequencies for Conveyance Facilities. Channel banks shall be protected by use of low vegetation, rip- rap, or paving as design velocity dictates subject to the approval of the City engineer. Section 8. That Subsection 13.34.210 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.210 Applicability A. There is no statute of limitations that would exempt multiple impervious area additions that cumulatively create over 5,000 square feet, unless granted a waiver per Section 13.34.100. Section 9. That Subsection 13.34.210(C) of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa is hereby deleted and all subsequent items be re-lettered accordingly. Section 10. That Subsection 13.34.220 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.220 Release Rate A. The release rate of stormwater from any detention basin required under this chapter for new development and redevelopment shall not exceed the stormwater runoff rate from the drainage area from a five-year frequency storm using a runoff coefficient commensurate with actual existing conditions. The Modified rational method may be used for areas under twenty acres. Utilize the S.C.S. TR-55 "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds" and the "Iowa Users Guide and Supplement" for said TR_55 for areas over twenty acres. B. All release rates shall not exceed permissible velocities per the ISWMM Design Standards Chapter for Open Channel Flow or the Iowa SUDAS Design Chapter for Grass Channels. Information pertaining to the maximum permissible velocities for channels must be included in the submitted SWMP. Section 11. That Subsection 13.34.220(D) of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa is hereby deleted and all subsequent items be re-lettered accordingly. Section 12. That Subsection 13.34.230 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.230 Detention Requirements A. Utilize the Unified Sizing Criteria (USC) from the Recharge Volume (Rev) up to Extreme Flood Protection (Qf) for the required volume of stormwater detention. The Recharge Volume can be used to help meet the WQv. The WQv shall provide 100% retention, infiltration or abstraction (where soils do not allow full infiltration) of the 1.25-inch-in- a-twenty-four-hour rainfall event per Section 13.34.310. B. City standards that are to be used in conjunction with the USC are: 1. The Modified Rational method may only be used for small catchments less than twenty acres. C. For sites greater than twenty acres, the method of sizing of the detention storage volume must be approved by the City engineer. The TR-55 method is an approved method. E. (1)(c) Outlet control structures shall be designed as simply as possible and shall require little or no attention for proper operation. Utilize the Unified Sizing Criteria for staged outlet design. Each stormwater storage area shall be provided with a method of emergency overflow in the event that a storm in excess of the one-hundred-year frequency storm occurs. This emergency overflow facility shall be designed to function without attention and shall become part of the excess stormwater passageway described in Section 13.34.140. Hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to substantiate all design features and shall comply with ISWMM design standards. E. (1)(e) Outlet control structures shall not direct flows over sidewalks, through curb sections or onto the roadway; nor shall they be constructed or put in a location that will cause icing issues within the right of way. Section 13. That Section 13.34.250 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.250 Procedure D. In the event weather prohibits the completion of stormwater management facilities or any associated landscape at the time subdivision acceptance or certificate of occupancy is applied for, a security bond for 125% in favor of the city of the estimated amount of construction and landscape materials with installation cost may be submitted. The cost of construction and landscape materials with installation must be determined by a landscape architect, construction estimator or other landscape business professional. Section 14. That Section 13.34.250 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.300 Applicability C. The Recharge Volume can be used to help meet the WQv. The WQv shall provide 100% retention, infiltration or abstraction (where soils do not allow full infiltration) of the 1.25-inch-in-a-twentyfour-hour rainfall event per Section 13.34.310. Section 15. That Section 13.34.310 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.310 General Performance Criteria for Stormwater Quality Management F. The calculations for determining small storm flows as found in the Iowa Stormwater Management Manual shall be used for sizing all stormwater quality management practices. G. If utilizing infiltration-based practices to comply with water quality management, soil boring information will need to be provided to ensure the practice will function. Additional information can be found in the Davenport Stormwater Management Manual. Section 16. That Subsection 13.34.320 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows. 13.34.320 Soil Quality Restoration A. Soil retention. Soil shall be retained on site per requirements of the NPDES GP#2 and as outlined in the Davenport Stormwater Manual. Topsoil verification measures pre and post-construction are described more fully in the Davenport Stormwater Manual. F. The City Engineer or their designee will approve the source of off-site topsoil or compost, if utilized. Surface soils from ditch bottoms, drained ponds, and eroded areas, or soils that are supporting growth of noxious weeds or other undesirable vegetation, will not be accepted. The Engineer will determine if testing is necessary. The Contractor will be responsible for payment of the testing if the off-site topsoil does not meet the above requirements, regardless of testing outcome. Section 17. That Section 13.34.340 of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.34.340 Procedure D. In the event weather prohibits the completion of stormwater management facilities or any associated landscape at the time subdivision acceptance or certificate of occupancy is applied for, a security bond for 125% in favor of the city of the estimated amount of construction and landscape materials with installation cost may be submitted. The cost of construction and landscape materials with installation must be determined by a landscape architect, construction estimator or other landscape business professional. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any of the provisions of this ordinance are for any reason illegal or void, then the lawful provisions of this ordinance, which are separable from said unlawful provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect, the same as if the ordinance contained no illegal or void provisions. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effective after its final passage and publication as by law provided. Adopted 8/28/2024: Mike Matson, Mayor; Attest: Brian Krup, Deputy City Clerk 3. Second Consideration: Ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 6.04 entitled "Animals" of the Municipal Code of Davenport, Iowa to incorporate recommendations from the joint task force between the Humane Society of Scott County and the City of Davenport, Iowa, and to update language regarding fees and roles. [All Wards] MOVED TO THIRD CONSIDERATION 4. First Consideration: Ordinance for Case REZ24-03 being the request of Davenport Community School District to rezone approximately 12.71 acres of land located at 715-909 East 36th Street from R-3 Single-Family and Two-Family Residential District to S-IC Institutional Campus District. [Ward 7] MOVED TO SECOND CONSIDERATION 5. Resolution approving Case F24-08 being the request of IA 12 Davenport, LLC for a final plat of Silverstar Wash, a 1-lot subdivision on 0.9 acres located at 1914 Division Street. [Ward 4] ADOPTED 2024-368 6. Resolution authorizing the conveyance of vacated West 5th Street between Cedar Street and Howell Street to Davenport Community School District, Petitioner. [Ward 3] ADOPTED 2024-369 7. Resolution approving street, lane, and public ground closure requests on the listed dates and times for outdoor events. ADOPTED 2024-370 City of Davenport, Red, White & Boom!; Riverfront; 2:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Saturday, September 7, 2024; Closures: (beginning at 2:00 p.m.) Ripley Street and Marquette Street south of River Drive; (beginning at approximately 8:00 p.m.) Myrtle Street, Warren Street, Brown Street, Western Avenue, Scott Street, Ripley Street, Harrison Street, and Main Street from 2nd Street to River Drive. [Ward 3] Elaine Folker; Norwood Park Fall Festival; 2200 block of Ripley Street; 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, September 14, 2024; Closures: West Rusholme Street from Ripley Street east and west to the alley; Ripley Street from West Dover Court to West Lombard Street. [Ward 4] Tim Kelly; Unity in the Community: A 5th Ward Celebration; 311 East Locust Street; 2:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Saturday, September 14, 2024; Closure: north-south alley between Pershing Avenue and Iowa Street and East Locust Street and Kirkwood Boulevard from East Locust Street south to 313 East Locust Street. [Ward 5] Jimmie O's Saloon; Street Fest; 2734 Telegraph Road; 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday, September 21, 2024; Closure: South Rolff Street from Telegraph Road south to the alley. [Ward 1] Scott County Family Y; Turkey Trot; 630 East 4th Street; 3:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Thursday, November 28, 2024; Closures: (3:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.) 4th Street from River Drive to Main Street; (6:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.) Main Street from 4th Street to Lombard Street; Lombard Street from Harrison Street to Brady Street; westernmost lane on Brady Street from Lombard Street to Central Park Avenue; southernmost lane on Central Park Avenue from Brady Street to Harrison Street; easternmost lane on Harrison Street between Central Park Avenue and Lombard Street. [Wards 3 & 5] 8. Resolution accepting sanitary sewer and manholes associated with Russell-Frye/Armstrong Industrial Park Second Addition. [Ward 2] ADOPTED 2024-371 9. Resolution awarding a contract for the 2024 Alley Resurfacing Program to Emery Construction Group Inc of Moline, Illinois in the amount of $589,505.65, CIP #35038. [Wards 3 & 5] ADOPTED 2024-372 10. Resolution awarding a contract for the Modern Woodmen Park Field Renovation project to Bush Sports Turf of Milan, Illinois in the amount of $543,525, CIP #23049. [Ward 3] ADOPTED 2024-373 11. Resolution awarding a contract for the Engine #2 overhaul at the Water Pollution Control Plant to Altorfer Inc of Davenport, Iowa in the amount of $231,636.23. [Ward 1] ADOPTED 2024-374 12. Resolution awarding a contract for engineering services for the 53rd Street at Utica Ridge Road Intersection Improvements project to Shive-Hattery, Inc of Bettendorf, Iowa in an amount not to exceed $96,850. [Ward 6] ADOPTED 2024-375 13. Resolution approving the purchase of grounds maintenance equipment from MTI Distributing of Grimes, Iowa in the amount of $128,917.38 using Sourcewell contract 031121-TTC, CIP #24029. [All Wards] ADOPTED 2024-376 14. Motion approving noise variance requests on the listed dates and times for outdoor events. PASSED 2024-377 Coram Deo Bible Church; Party in the Lot: 20th Anniversary Celebration; 3800 East 53rd Street; 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday, September 7, 2024; Outdoor music/band, over 50 dBA. [Ward 6] City of Davenport; Red, White, & Boom!; LeClaire Park | 400 Beiderbecke Drive; 5:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday, September 7, 2024; Outdoor music/band and fireworks, over 50 dBA. [Ward 3] Tim Kelly; Unity in the Community: A 5th Ward Celebration; 311 East Locust Street; 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, September 14, 2024; Outdoor music/band, over 50 dBA. [Ward 5] Jimmie O's Saloon; Street Fest; 2734 Telegraph Road; 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday, September 21, 2024; Outdoor music/band, over 50 dBA. [Ward 1] 15. Motion approving beer and liquor license applications. PASSED 2024-378 A. New license, new owner, temporary permit, temporary outdoor area, location transfer, etc. (as noted): Ward 3 Front Street Brewery (Front Street Brewery, Inc) - 101 West River Drive - Temporary Outdoor Events Thursdays in September/October - License Type: Class C Liquor (On-Premises) Front Street Brewery (Front Street Brewery, Inc) - 400 Beiderbecke Drive - Temporary Outdoor Event September 7 - License Type: Class C Liquor (On-Premises) The Gatsby Cocktail Lounge (The Gatsby, LLC) - 702 West 3rd Street - New License - License Type: Class C Liquor (On-Premises) German American Heritage Center and Museum (German American Heritage Center) - 119 East 3rd Street - Temporary Outdoor Event September 21 - License Type: Special Class C Beer/Wine (On-Premises) Ward 4 QC Sushi, LLC (QC Sushi, LLC) - 1417 West Locust Street - New License - License Type: Class C Liquor (On-Premises) Ward 6 Candy's Backbar (BB Hospitality, LLC) - 4751 Progress Drive - New License - License Type: Class C Liquor (On-Premises) Ward 8 Zeke's (Lumpy's, Inc) - 100 West 76th Street - New License - License Type: Class C Liquor (OnPremises) B. Annual license renewals (with outdoor area renewals as noted): Ward 3 The Current (Putnam Landlord, LLC) - 128-30 West 2nd Street - Outdoor Area - License Type: Class C Liquor (On-Premises) Raccoon Motel (Raccoon Motel, LLC) - 315 East 2nd Street - License Type: Class C Liquor (OnPremises) Rodriguezhope (Alfredo Rodriguez) - 226 West 3rd Street - License Type: Class C Liquor (OnPremises) Ward 5 D'Ville (Aba East Village, LLC) - 2228 East 11th Street - Outdoor Area - License Type: Class C Liquor (On-Premises) Ward 8 Leisure Lanes (Four Bros, LLC) - 2802 West 73rd Street - License Type: Class C Liquor (OnPremises) XII. Other Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions XIII. Public with Business On motion by Alderwoman Newton, second by Alderman Kelly Council recessed for a break at 5:50 p.m. and reconvened at 6:00 p.m. XIV. Reports of City Officials The following is a summary of revenue received for the month of July 2024: Property Taxes $Other City Taxes $3,052,668 Licenses & Permits $208,044 Intergovernmental $2,259,432 Charges for Services $6,451,442 Use of Monies & Property $82,092 Fines & Forfeits $231,374 Bonds/Loan Proceeds $96,977 Miscellaneous $253,543 XV. Executive Session On motion by Alderman R. Dunn, second by Alderwoman Meginnis and all Aldermen present voting aye except Alderman Gripp who was no longer connected via telephone, Council recessed to Executive Session at 7:18 p.m. to discuss strategy with counsel in matters involving litigation pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Council reconvened in Executive Session at 7:27 p.m. with Mayor Matson and all Aldermen present except Alderman Gripp and Alderman Jobgen (Alderwoman Burkholder, Alderman R. Dunn, Alderman T. Dunn, Alderman Kelly, Alderwoman Lynch, Alderwoman Meginnis, Alderwoman Newton, and Alderman Reinartz). Others present included Attorneys Brett Marshall and Richard Davidson from Lane & Waterman LLP and Acting City Administrator Nicole Gleason. On motion by Alderwoman Meginnis, second by Alderman R. Dunn Council went back into open session at 8:36 p.m. On motion by Alderwoman Newton, second by Alderwoman Meginnis Council adjourned at 8:36 p.m. City of Davenport Publication Report From 7/1/2024 To: 7/31/2024 Fund Description 2021 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND 2022 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 2023 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS RESIDENTIAL REHAB LOAN 2019 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Brian J. Krup Deputy City Clerk Amount $38,792.80 $543,876.57 $383,602.35 $4,502.09 $32,960.00 JUSTICE CRIME ANALYTICS GRANT YOUTH SPORTS ARPA FUND HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP TRANSIT GOLF COURSES OPERATING SECTION 8 HOUSING GRANT SPORTS CENTER SOLID WASTE LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX CLEAN WATER RIVERCENTER AIRPORT FAIR HOUSING GRANT TRANSLOAD FUND ARPA CAPITAL PROJECTS NORTH DAVENPORT TIF RESIDENTIAL EXT IMPROV REV SEWER OPERATIONS WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT LIBRARY SPECIAL LEVY LEVEE IMPROVEMENT METRO COALITION COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT ROAD USE TAX GRANT EMPLOYEE HEALTH RISK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PARKING HOTEL MOTEL TAX DISASTER FUND GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS GENERAL FUND 2024 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND 2025 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $6,025.00 $1,562.00 $387,594.37 $2,469.53 $272,845.21 $90,922.53 $790,899.10 $1,861.28 $183,979.81 $111,511.61 $34,906.08 $54,897.37 $13,379.12 $220.90 $840.00 $1,604,975.23 $172,814.81 $7,560.00 $137,040.32 $135,616.62 $18,872.06 $7,464.20 $5,000.00 $165,279.25 $371,726.71 $315,361.30 $1,368,274.09 $70,232.32 $8,091.58 $10,840.49 $61,115.62 $2,857,261.70 $842,516.30 $1,269,810.47 $3,039.05 $12,390,539.84 City of Davenport Publication Report From 7/1/2024 To: 7/31/2024 Vendor Name Reason for payment Payment 1606 BRADY MASTER TENANT LLC LANDLORD RENTS $2,016.00 3N SERVICES LLC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $655.00 501 BRADY ASSOCIATES LP LANDLORD RENTS $912.00 7G DISTRIBUTING LLC OTHER SUPPLIES & SERVICES $5,238.05 A AND A REFRIGERATION INC OFFICE SUPPLIES $605.00 AAA RENTS INC EVENTS EXPENSES $4,768.20 ABG DAVEPORT LOFTS LLC LANDLORD RENTS $4,093.00 ABG SIEG IRON LOFTS LLC LANDLORD RENTS $2,253.00 ABIGAIL NEEDHAM CONSTRUCTION COSTS $122,553.02 ADEL WHOLESALERS INC MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $6,028.16 ADVANCE STORES COMPANY INC REVOLVING EXPENSES $1,702.82 AERIAL PROMOTIONS INC MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP $2,500.00 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,834.85 AHLERS & COONEY PC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $25,626.46 AIRGAS NORTH CENTRAL Inc EVENTS EXPENSES $3,047.97 ALEC CLARK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $264.00 ALEX BOCK CONSTRUCTION COSTS $12,676.87 A-L-L EQUIPMENT INC MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP $354.00 ALTORFER INC OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,523.54 AMENVI KOFFECTO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $90.00 AMERICA CUSTOM HOMES LLC LANDLORD RENTS $2,340.00 AMERICAN ELECTRIC, INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $4,520.00 AMERICAN FAMILY INS GROUP LIABILITY INSURANCE $4,452.69 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSN INC MEMBERSHIPS & PUBLICATIONS $324.00 AMERICORE LLC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $73,789.35 ANDREW BERTRAM MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $1,700.00 ANDREW GOLDERMANN REHAB GRANTS & LOANS $360.00 ANDREW WOLD INVESTMENTS LLC LANDLORD RENTS $1,400.00 ANGEL L RIAS LANDLORD RENTS $2,704.00 ANTHONY A FUHS LANDLORD RENTS $1,622.00 ANTHONY JOSEPH SCOTT LANDLORD RENTS $1,004.00 ANTHONY PINTOZZI LANDLORD RENTS $1,039.00 ANTHONY REYNOLDS LANDLORD RENTS $956.00 ARTHUR HERNANDEZ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $680.00 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK MGMT SVCS, INC LIABILITY INSURANCE $817,060.28 ASSURED PARTNERS CAPITAL INC LIABILITY INSURANCE $212,051.00 ATLAS PRESERVATION INC MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $213.40 ATLAS REAL ESTATE CO., LC LANDLORD RENTS $738.00 AUSTIN ENGINEERING CO INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $1,550.00 AUTOHAUS LTD REVOLVING EXPENSES $511.24 AXON ENTERPRISE INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $485,036.48 AYLA BEDFORD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $80.00 B&B DRAINTECH QC MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $135.00 B&B ENTERPRISES OF AMERICA INC OFFICE SUPPLIES $273.00 BAHNSCO PETS, PC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $2,383.38 BAKER & TAYLOR CO Inc LIBRARY BOOKS $1,313.61 BALLET QUAD CITIES MARKETING EXPENSES $500.00 BANASHREE HOLDERITH EMPLOYEE TRAVEL EXPENSES $60.97 BARBARA WARREN CONSTRUCTION COSTS $408.41 BAUER BUILT TIRE Inc REVOLVING EXPENSES $4,021.78 BC DEVELOPMENT OF DURANT LANDLORD RENTS $2,710.00 BELIN MCCORMICK, P.C. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $83.00 BENJAMIN NEWBURN LANDLORD RENTS $1,368.00 BETH PAUL *EMPLOYEE* TRAVEL EXPENSES $48.91 BEUTEL INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $1,185.00 BIG BLUE INVESTMENTS LANDLORD RENTS $1,500.00 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF THE PAYMENT TO OTHER AGENCY $4,686.00 BILION HAWKEYE INC CLAIMS & JUDGMENTS $571.13 BILL YOUNG PRODUCTIONS INC EVENTS EXPENSES $250.00 BIOTAGE MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP $5,574.60 BI-STATE LIGHTING MAINTENANCE Inc CONSTRUCTION COSTS $4,010.00 BI-STATE REGIONAL COMMISSION Inc TRAVEL EXPENSES $14,948.38 BLICK & BLICK OIL INC REVOLVING EXPENSES $61,840.94 BLUE MOON INVESTMENTS Inc LANDLORD RENTS $1,370.00 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY PAYMENT TO OTHER AGENCY $2,511.23 BRANDI E CONGER TRAVEL EXPENSES $320.00 BRECKINRIDGE PARTNERS LANDLORD RENTS $14,738.00 BRETT BAXTER LANDLORD RENTS $1,210.00 BRIAN DAYMUDE MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $140.00 BRIAN KENDALL LANDLORD RENTS $1,226.00 BRIAN T. WHITE LANDLORD RENTS $2,250.00 BRUCE BERGER employee TRAVEL EXPENSES $374.17 BRYAN J PAYTON LANDLORD RENTS $1,701.00 BRYAN NOWACHEK LANDLORD RENTS $1,318.00 C & B OPERATIONS LLC OPERATING EXPENSES $754.81 C. WAYNE GALLOPS, DO, CPE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $2,000.00 CAMERON CARTEE CLAIMS & JUDGMENTS $2,235.62 CANDY R JONES LANDLORD RENTS $1,640.00 CAROL ANN PAXTON LANDLORD RENTS $2,064.00 CARRICO AQUATIC RESOURCES, INC OFFICE SUPPLIES $10,090.64 CARVER AERO INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $4,375.00 CATALYST INVESTMENTS LANDLORD RENTS $1,154.00 CATHOLIC MESSENGER TECHNICAL SERVICES $116.34 CDB UTILITY CONTRACTORS INC PROJECT EXPENSE $10,084.00 CDMI CONCRETE CONTRACTORS INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $408,164.55 CELIA PORTH TRAVEL EXPENSES $48.91 CELLEBRITE USA CORP SOFTWARE COSTS $31,070.40 CENGAGE LEARNING INC LIBRARY BOOKS $1,186.10 CENTENNIAL CONTRACTORS OF THE QC INC MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $195.00 CENTER FOR TRANSPORTATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $29,000.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES, INC UTILITY SERVICES $2,059.31 CES COMPUTERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES $26,793.78 CHAD BOHONEK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $180.00 CHAD J KELLEY LANDLORD RENTS $674.00 CHAD L BRUS Inc MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP $2,700.00 CHARITY VESEY UPCHURCH LANDLORD RENTS $1,204.00 CHASCO, LLC LANDLORD RENTS $1,788.00 CHEMSEARCH Inc MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $1,967.84 CHERENA GARY LANDLORD RENTS $2,356.00 CHRISTIE SEAGREN (EMPLOYEE) TRAVEL EXPENSES $35.51 CHRISTINA JAIMEZ REVOLVING EXPENSES $525.00 CHRISTOPHER A ATHA LANDLORD RENTS $1,340.00 CINCINNATI FINANCIAL COMPANY LIABILITY INSURANCE $28,248.00 CINTAS CORPORATION #342 Inc PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $947.47 CIRILO SALINAS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $510.00 CITY OF BETTENDORF OPERATING SUPPLIES $99.00 CLARE MONTGOMERY LANDLORD RENTS $1,320.00 CLARK DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT REHAB GRANTS & LOANS $104,554.25 CLINTON PUBLIC LIBRARY OPERATING SUPPLIES $36.50 CNC AG LLC MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $3,847.80 COBBLESTONE TERRACE LLLP LANDLORD RENTS $1,218.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Inc CITY CONTINGENCY $412.17 COLE STICKEL LANDLORD RENTS $1,686.00 COLEMAN MOORE COMPANY TRAVEL EXPENSES $70.00 COLLEY PROPERTIES LLC LANDLORD RENTS $1,314.00 COLTON C STRAWSER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $3,000.00 COLUMN SOFTWARE PBC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $54.95 CONDON PROPERTIES LLC LANDLORD RENTS $582.00 CONE'S REPAIR SVS Inc FOOD & BEVERAGE EVENT EXPENSE $1,031.04 CORNERSTONE GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS, INC PAYMENT TO OTHER AGENCY $5,000.00 COUNTRY MUTUAL INSURANCE 4560000-215624 $3,471.09 COUNTY WASTE MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $2,076.96 COVERTTRACK GROUP INC SOFTWARE COSTS $3,600.00 CRAWFORD COMPANY INC TECHNICAL SERVICES $14,877.40 CREATIVE EMPIRE LLC SOFTWARE COSTS $5,512.50 CUMMINS ALLISON CORP OFFICE SUPPLIES $874.00 CUMMINS CENTRAL POWER LLC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $8,236.44 CUSTOM FIRE APPARATUS INC REVOLVING EXPENSES $2,298.44 CUSTOM PRODUCTS CORP OFFICE SUPPLIES $620.33 D. MICHAEL CLARK LANDLORD RENTS $1,348.00 DAHL FORD DAVENPORT INC REVOLVING EXPENSES $10,730.96 DALE SCHAEFER LANDLORD RENTS $1,450.00 DANIEL NOVAK MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS $2,943.00 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES Inc REVOLVING EXPENSES $855.96 DAUPLER, INC OFFICE SUPPLIES $22,900.00 DAVENPORT ELECTRIC CONTRACT CO Inc OTHER SUPPLIES & SERVICES $27,393.00 DAVENPORT HOUSING LP LANDLORD RENTS $7,648.00 DAVENPORT HOUSING V LP LANDLORD RENTS $3,740.00 DAVENPORT HOUSING VII LP LANDLORD RENTS $1,710.00 DAVENPORT PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PAYMENT TO OTHER AGENCY $65.00 DAVENPORT V GP, LLC LANDLORD RENTS $1,158.00 DAVID D CLAUSSEN LANDLORD RENTS $1,060.00 DAVID R FRENCH LANDLORD RENTS $690.00 DAVID SCOTT LEMASTER LANDLORD RENTS $1,754.00 DAVIS PRIORITY PROPERTIES LLC LANDLORD RENTS $3,928.00 DAVPP, LLC LANDLORD RENTS $286.00 DBS MANUFACTURING INC MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP $10,897.17 DE HALVA PROPERTIES LLC LANDLORD RENTS $1,046.00 DEKHEAD PROPERTIES LLC LANDLORD RENTS $1,362.00 DEPT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS PART TIME SALARIES $6,804.46 DERIK RHUM LANDLORD RENTS $946.00 DINGES PARTNERS GROUP LLC MEMBERSHIPS & PUBLICATIONS $12,104.84 DLB LLLP LANDLORD RENTS $1,696.00 DOERING APARTMENTS LLC LANDLORD RENTS $714.00 DOORS INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $6,312.85 DRB ENTERPRISES INC OFFICE SUPPLIES $3,410.00 DSLR LLC LANDLORD RENTS $1,744.00 DUBUQUE HARDWOODS INC OPERATING SUPPLIES $722.70 DUCK CREEK PROPERTIES LANDLORD RENTS $910.00 DULTMEIER SALES inc REVOLVING EXPENSES $324.57 DUPLEXES LLC LANDLORD RENTS $8,829.00 DUTRAC COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION CONSTRUCTION COSTS $4,790.00 E&H RESTORATION LLC CONSTRUCTION COSTS $1,582.00 EASTERN IA REGIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY LANDLORD RENTS $1,526.75

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