It's interesting to observe the responses to the election. There are some who are simply ecstatic and cannot hide their excitement. Some, like me cannot conceal their disappointment. But most, are respectfully somber. I'm feeling angry, bitter, but mostly disappointed in my fellow citizens across our country. However, I'm grateful to live in Illinois, and especially McLean County, where we did the right thing, the courageous thing and turned out to vote in this crucial election. McLean County is an island of blue in a sea of red. I keep telling myself, and others that need to hear it, that it'll be alright. But will it? From his words and actions in the past, we indeed are entering a very dark period of history, and I fear for those that will be in his direct line of fire: immigrants, women and members of the LGBQT+ community. I know what I need to do; Kamala described that perfectly in her concession speech, but that's not easy in this moment. Please pray for our country that we will find the courage to emulate the example of Kamala Harris. She was and remains a true heroine in the face of evil. She is not "trash." She spoke the truth and that was difficult for many to hear and accept. Her words and actions are exemplary and what I expect from my children and grandchildren. Responses and actions that make my Father proud and what we can clearly understand and observed during Jesus' life.
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Roger Hellman, Bloomington
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