Triple H was infamously punished after the "Curtain Call" incident in 1996, and he recently recalled his conversation with Vince McMahon afterward. The Curtain Call saw Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash hug in the ring after a house show match at Madison Square Garden, which was controversial for its breaking of kayfabe.
Triple H took the punishment for the incident and had his push derailed. He spoke with Greg & The Morning Buzz recently and during the conversation he talked about how he got punished for it and his conversation with McMahon about the matter, and you can see highlights below (per Fightful):
On getting punished for the incident: "It was a huge deal. When all that went down and I took the brunt of the heat for it because I was the only one that could. Kevin and Scott were leaving. Shawn was world champ, what are they going to do to him? I took the heat. No problem."
On talking with McMahon about it: "As I was leaving Vince's office, after a thorough ass chewing, as I was walking out, I looked back at him and I said, 'Let me ask you this, Vince. If this is so wrong. If lifting that curtain is so wrong, why was it the loudest thing at Madison Square Garden that night? It was sold out. The biggest reaction, by far, was that. The business is changing and it's passing people by and they're not seeing it yet.' He said, 'You might be right, but that doesn't change where we are right now. The punishment is what it is.' That was the truth. The business is changing. Fast forward, the internet comes in, and everybody knows what we do. They know the real stuff. They know who is married and who is in relationships, or at least they think they do. Half the stuff on the internet is wrong, but it's all out there and they know how this works."