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Silver Skater #2 - Fan-Fic - Comic Vine

Silver Skater #2 - Fan-Fic - Comic Vine

Centre of Experimental Science Campus, Porto Avril

Elias Bench took his seat at the table in the CES* Lab, the tingle of the disinfectant and microwave cleansing still causing the hair on his arms to stand up. He almost envied Lucas North, one of his chief enforcers, and his lack of hair, who had found the entire process rather amusing as the two men had entered the lab. Sitting across from the two thugs was Lillian Voss, a skinny thirtysomething woman with cropped red hair dressed in an anti-static suit, and Corporal Jason Haggard, Project Manticore's military attaché and test pilot. Bench snickered to himself. Haggard was the only one who was unaware of the covert conspiracy going on, but he would learn soon.

*Centre for Experimental Science

"We are two months away from field trials." Voss stated as Bench and North saw a swarm of workers retrofitting parts on something on the factory floor. "While the hydraulics work, the pressure lines are exposed and vulnerable to wear and tear."

"I understand Doctor, but my boss, your backer wants confirmation that Manticore will do everything it is designed to do." Bench stated as Corporal Haggard placed his hands on the conference table. "Not here in the lab, in a real-world setting."

"Mr. Bench, with all due respects, we can test Manticore's systems on wheeled or tracked platforms separately." Haggard replied. "The Mk 17 GPR is currently in use, and we can test the 'Hydrus' anti-ordinance lance, the M5009 sensor grenade launcher, and the 'Salvo' swarm munitions...

"Corporal, I don't think your taking this request seriously." Bench answered as North got ready to get up from his chair should the military man try anything.

"Mr. Bench, I assure you I take anything that will protect my brothers and sisters from IEDs very seriously." Haggard stated as Voss looked down at her hands. "Without me, nobody can pilot the single shell we have anyway, and I say your backer can wait."

"You been brushing up on the corporal's notes?" Bench asked North as the later got to his feet.

"Yeah, doesn't sound that hard." North growled as he walked around the table to where Haggard was now struggling to get to his feet. Before he could, Voss removed a canister from the belt she wore and sprayed it in his face, the chemicals causing the military man to wretch and writhe in pain before falling unconscious.

"I assume El Grande has fallen right into our trap?" Voss purred as North grabbed Haggard before he slipped off the chair.

"Our provocateur has played her role perfectly; that Silver Skater has caused him to get desperate, and now they want the means to destroy her." Bench explained as the workers on the factory floor finished their task and headed behind a bomb-proof barrier, one charred with burn and blast marks. "And when you are standing by their side, we will kill them and take everything they own." He added as Voss got to her feet and checked Haggard's pulse. "What are you going to do with him?"

"Our biolabs need more living material for their viral trials." Dr. Voss replied as a jet of flame engulfed the testing area. "I'll call our provocateur. Raia Verde Plaza should make a very public arena for the penultimate step in our takeover."


Ivory handed control back of the client's computer back to them and pressed the job completed button on her screen. Most clients were thankful for her helping them regain control of their computers, but still, it was not the most exciting of jobs. Checking her list of requests, Ivory caught sight of a DM appear in her messenger.

"Meet up at Raia Verde Plaza?" She read as she caught sight of the skater dress she was still wearing. Moving the cursor over the respond options, she paused before taking a deep breath and clicking 'accept' in regards to the request.

Raia Verde Plaza was one of Ivory's favorite places in Porto Avril. The plaza was a food market with ivy and honeysuckle vines running along trellises, forming arches and covered walkways. Ivory had changed out of her costume, grabbing a pair of jeans and a white tank top with horizontal blue stripes for her lunch date. Sitting on the edge of the fountain in the center of the plaza, Ivory's eyes light up as she spotted her friend Farrah, her olive top and brown dress giving her an earthy look, her black hair covered by her hijab.

"Farrah." Ivory squeaked as the two women embraced each other. "It feels like we haven't seen each other for months."

"Blame the uptick in fires; it's been keeping us busy." Farrah answered as the two women eventually uncoupled. "But enough work talk; what do you feel like? Lunch is on me." She added as they headed for one of the vine-covered walkways.

"Oh no, you don't; you're a firefighter, an actual hero." Ivory stated, pointing a finger at Farrah as they reached a cross-section with signs displaying different international cuisines. "Besides, when we were kids, you and your family were always feeding me; your parents even took me in when mom was arrested senior year. I owe you more than just lunch, but that will be a start."

"I'm pretty sure what you do is heroic." Farrah answered as they reached a line of food stalls with a series of benches and picnic tables.

"Useful but not heroic; now what, my beloved Fire Hawk, do you want for lunch?" Ivory said with a smirk as she saw Farrah blush. "I've seen you on Tiny Video; people really seem to like your fire safety PSAs." She added as Farrah shook her head and looked away from Ivory. "Come to think about it; with your Fire Hawk money, maybe you should be paying."

"Hey, you can't take that back now." Farrah stated as she and Ivory found one of the picnic tables and sat down. "You would break the great oath that brokered the peace of lunchtime."

"I'm pretty sure that was more about sharing lunch; also, we were five when we made that up." Ivory answered with a smile on her face. "Thank you; I've been needing some cheering up."

"You look like you need more than that," Farrah commented, her face now serious as she reached out to touch Ivory's nose. "You look more worn out and stressed than me, and I run into burning buildings for a living. Plus, what happened to your nose? It looks like you were either in a motorcycle crash or like someone took a swing at you; please tell me you're not dating him again."

"Jack? No, I haven't seen him for a month; last time was definitely the last time." Ivory replied as she winced with pain at Farrah's touch. "I just tripped when walking; nothing too exciting, I'm afraid." She lied before taking Farrah's hand and locking fingers with her. "Now what are we eating?"

"I'm thinking about getting some Lebanese food; I really miss my mom's cooking at the moment." Farrah suggested as her nose wrinkled as a foul, acrid smell wafted through the plaza. "That smell; something's burning. It smells familiar." She stopped as a dull buzz sounded, causing those people who had been seated to stand up. "It's kind of like octane burning."

"Jet Fuel?" Ivory asked as a salvo of six-inch spikes fired through the trellises, the projectiles stabbing into food stalls, tables, and a few of the people there before detonating, showering a thin layer of red mist across those next to them, before the screaming started. "What the..." She began to swear as a figure clad in grey and brown armour burst through the vegetation, a large hump-like structure attached to its back connected to a shoulder-mounted hose, the attached pilot light casting an ominous glow on the faceplate.

"Where are you?" The figure boomed over the screams of the fleeing vendors and customers as Farrah and Ivory ducked under one of the tables. "Come out, Silver Skater, meet your doom!"

"I should do something." Ivory whispered as the figure stomped past them.

"Like what? I'm not armed, and neither are you; he would kill us." Farrah hissed, just as the figure lifted the table, causing both of the women to look up at the towering figure, the nozzle of the hose rotating to face them.

"The Manticore is ready!" The figure boomed as it reached down and grabbed Ivory by the neck and lifted her body off the ground. "Come out, Silver Skater, or we see how long it takes my hostage to go up in smoke!"

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