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Foo Fighters Vow To Make Trump Absolutely Regret Using Their Song For RFK Jr. Intro At Rally

Foo Fighters Vow To Make Trump Absolutely Regret Using Their Song For RFK Jr. Intro At Rally

For a lot of people, keeping secrets is one of those things that would be cause for an immediate relationship end.

But sometimes when we uncover the most awful of secrets, we might wish we could forget the reason why we were leaving them in the dust.

Already cringing, Redditor Select_Example_794 asked:

"What's THE secret you discovered that made you leave your ex?"

"I saw a message preview on her lock screen of a dude heart-reacting to a message from her, saying, 'At least you know whenever I'm with him, I'm thinking of you.'"

"We had just come back from a holiday for our anniversary and moved in together..."

- Gartholamewd

"The guy she was cheating on me with found out about me. He found me at a bar told me about it, bought me a drink, and I immediately got on the phone and broke up with her."

"I'm not going to go into super deep detail, but it was nice to have an honorable dude give me the warning instead of weeks of suspicion. I was about to get an apartment with her, and I dodged a bullet."

- detectivedueces

"He decided to see other women but forgot to tell me about it."

- mysticxstorm

"It was in the memo, Brenda. If you'd ever bother to read them."

"I bragged to a friend in front of my girlfriend that my girlfriend and I had only fought once in our two years of dating."

"My girlfriend said the reason we never fought was because she didn't care enough about me to fight about anything."

"She also was cheating on me, but I didn't learn that one until after the relationship ended."

- ravenssettle

"His drug dealer called to let me know my husband had a 3K per week cocaine habit, and he owed money."

"I found a Starbucks cup in her car with her male coworker's name on it after she went on a 'girls weekend trip.'"

- wdrub

"I've always wondered how many affairs Starbucks cups have busted. I bet this has happened quite a bit."

- Puzzleheaded-Law-429

"Three months after moving our three kids and us to another state, she was cheating and got pregnant."

"She had the child with that guy and then proceeded to cheat on him to get pregnant again, except with twins."

"So she had six kids in seven years with three different people (that I know of)."

- _where_is_my_mind

"She went out with her friends one night. I had a headache and didn't feel like going anywhere so I stayed in. She had f**ked up before so we did the whole location-sharing thing."

"This id**t still goes to this guy's house and didn't come home till 5:00 AM. Truth was, I didn't have a headache. I had a feeling she was talking to him again, so I let it happen."

"That happened on a Friday night, and Saturday night, we had a dinner planned with her parents who were in town. I figured I'd suffer through it, work on finding a new place to live immediately, and the next week just disappear."

"Saturday night at dinner, her mom says, 'Let me know when you want to propose and I'll give you my ring.' My ex nudges me and says, 'Yeah, when are you gunna ask, huh!?' I laughed so hard during the interaction, knowing she was with someone else less than 24 hours earlier."

"Sunday morning, she starts going in on me about the dishes as I'm doing them. I finally got so fed up, I just laughed and said, 'So where were you Friday night?' She turned white."

- sumyungdood

"He was married with a son. I found a box of his wedding photos, and he tried to tell me he, the groom, holding the bride, was just the best man."

"It turns out she was essentially collecting boyfriends like they were limited edition trading cards. I was apparently the 'Summer Edition.'"

"It all came to light when I bumped into 'Mr. Spring' at a coffee shop who was just as clueless as I was. We grabbed a drink to discuss our shared season of dismay and ended up becoming friends instead. Sort of a bittersweet bonus prize."

- maria_sideris30

"The two of you should track down Fall and Winter and become friends. Or form a BAND."

- M1094795585

"I found her and her sister texting about birth control. More specifically, the sister was gonna start deliberately sabotaging hers."

"When I asked about it, I was told it was okay and that 'she just trying to make sure he stays.'"

"I left fast enough, you could see smoke. Wish I knew who the sister's boyfriend, so I could have warned him."

- pop_tab

"Not sure when it started but: 'On weekends, I'm watching and caring for my old and delicate grandpa who has dementia.'"

"NOPE, she was back with her cheating ex to 'try again.'"

"She was talking to a guy in another state. She decided she liked him better; he was coming to see her, and that's when I found out about him."

"She basically told me he wasn't going to be happy to see me around and to go away."

"Well, the joke was on her because he came to tell her he found someone at home and was breaking up with her."

"After he left, she decided to come crawling back to me, and as much as I wanted to get back with her, I just couldn't trust her."

- TraditionalTackle1

"He left his phone at my place and asked me to bring it to him. I still don't know why but I opened it (no passcode). He'd left the text message with a picture of another woman's vagina on it."

- Brilliant_Wait_3266

"I got one a little worse than that, actually. I accidentally opened his Google drive instead of mine when I was using his computer. And there were folders upon folders of several women's nudes. All labeled with their names and stuff. Like, over 10 women, and a couple of men too. And some of them I thought were my friends."

"I don't know what compelled me to open each folder... but I did. And I could tell they were mostly all recent pictures."

"The coworker he was worried I was attracted to, I was. The difference is I never talked to him outside of work-related things and shut him down immediately when he showed interest in me."

"A girl coworker gave my ex one ounce of attention, and he cheated and left me for her almost immediately."

"Later, he regretted it and said the grass isn't always greener. Now he's with her because I wouldn't move back with him and he didn't want to be lonely."

"I'm glad I stayed on my side of the lawn, I would never want to be the one responsible for how awful another person feels because I couldn't stay faithful at work. A partner should never have to feel insecure about you going to your job."

These are the kinds of secrets that left us cringing and wishing that we could unread them and forget them.

At least these were the moments that ended these relationships, rather than moments that people took as warning signs and decided to try to make the relationship work anyway. These Redditors knew their worth and acted on it, which is inspiring, to say the least.

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