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Muscatine County family wins environmental leadership award

By Andrea Grubaugh Andrea.Grubaugh

Muscatine County family wins environmental leadership award

A Muscatine County family is among the 44 recognized with the Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award.

The award acknowledges the work of farmers who "take voluntary actions to improve and protect the state's natural resources, including our soil and water."

Among this year's winners was the Scott family, consisting of David, Amy, Aaron, and Ean Scott from Muscatine County. Previously, in 2021, David was recognized by the Iowa Farm Bureau for his efforts to use a variety of conservation practices such as terracing, using a bioreactor, using variable rate fertilizer application, practicing no-till and growing cover crops with the use of a cotton sprayer. David also previously received the Muscatine Soil and Water Conservation District Conservationist of the Year Award in 2020.

Beyond using proven conservation practices that are meant to help improve water quality and soil health state-wide, recipients of the Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award are also recognized for their leadership in how they encourage other farmers to adopt similar conservation practices on their one farms.

"Farming and environmental stewardship have always gone hand-in-hand," Gov. Kim Reynolds at this year's award ceremony. "Today, we're proud to honor farm families who have gone above and beyond, often for generations, to safeguard the land that feeds the world and makes our way of life possible. Congratulations to the 2024 IFELA award winners and thank you for preserving our state's natural resources for decades to come."

Secretary Mike Naig also congratulated the recipients at the ceremony.

"Iowa continues to set records for conservation and water quality practice implementation, and this award recognizes our state's farm families who are leading the way and serving as positive examples for others," he said." We are committed to accelerating our state's water quality efforts in the years ahead and I am confident that Iowa's farmers and landowners will rise to meet to this challenge."

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"We take great pride in recognizing these leaders in our farming communities throughout our state who prioritize sound conservation practices," Department of Natural Resources Director Kayla Lyon added. "Their commitment to conservation is paving the way for future generations and inspiring other farmers."

Each of this year's winners were chosen by a committee representing conservation and agricultural groups. Since the award's creation in 2012, a total of 821 Iowa farm families have been recognized. For more information on this award and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, residents can visit iowaagriculture.gov.

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