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You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the conspiracy theory in under 20 seconds

By Sara Alhariri

You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the conspiracy theory in under 20 seconds

CONSPIRACY theories gained traction in pop culture, whether we believe in them or not.

One of the more common ones is hidden in plain sight within a mind-bending optical illusion.

MrQ created a brainteaser, asking players to find the conspiracy theory.

Anyone can see that the puzzle repeatedly reads, "The moon landings were real."

Only those with the eyes of a hawk could spot the conspiracy theory that many people believe to be true.

Can you find the hidden, "The moon landings were fake?"

From aliens to the shape of planet Earth, many are believing that the truth is stranger than fiction.

Spotting one of the most popular conspiracy theories out there could be a feat.

Solving this brainteaser should be no issue if you have a sharp eye.

Completing it in under 20 seconds is even more of an accomplishment.

If too much time has gone by and you're still scratching your head, fear not.

Divert your attention to the right side of the photo.

"The moon landings were fake" is 12 lines up from the bottom.

For a lighter take on puzzles, we are on the lookout for a four-legged friend.

Everyone can see the television and it's clear that a dog lives there with a pet bed in the background.

Man's best friend is clearly a clever boy, but he is doing something naughty.

Can you spot the dog that was posted to Reddit and had some users scratching their head?

"I couldn't find it for the longest time, I thought it was a trick and started looking for the dog in the TV show," one said.

If you're still having trouble locating the dog, focus on the food on the table.

Behind it is the corgi's eye peering up at the snack.

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