AUSTIN (KXAN) -- A crowd of parents, students, teachers and so many others, gathered for a big groundbreaking celebration on Wednesday.
Austin ISD's Pecan Elementary is getting modernized, as a part of a $2.4 billion 2022 bond project. It's one of dozens of projects happening right now with money voters approved.
Pecan Elementary sits in the middle of a minority, underserved community. There were mixed emotions as those who have called the school home, said a heartfelt goodbye.
"Pecan springs, given its location, [has] challenges in this community," AISD Superintendent Matias Segura said. "[We wanted] to really invest and support our students in
a meaningful way, [and it has been] absolutely incredible."
It's one of 28 comprehensive active 2022 bond projects AISD has in the works right now, according to Segura.
"That doesn't account for the 100 other projects across all the other schools that are HVAC improvements, safety and security improvements, electrical improvements," Segura said. "So there's a lot happening all simultaneously."
Investments, leading to better safety and lasting memories.