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Your Daily FoodScope for January 22, 2025

Your Daily FoodScope for January 22, 2025

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question -- how much of it? It's a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!

A desire to do absolutely nothing just won't happen today. You've got game, though, and you'll tackle a busy day with gusto. But the desire will still be there when you get home. Kick off your shoes, order up a large pepperoni and garlic pizza, flop onto the couch, and do absolutely nothing.

Seek out the company of people with whom you share common goals. Being among like-minded people will put you in your comfort zone. So if you suggest a night out for a vegetarian dinner featuring lots of tofu, breads and burgerless burgers, you'll find that everyone will be into it.

A blurry brain will keep you from forming cohesive thoughts today. This is not good. This patient needs brain food, STAT! Go for a substantial lunch that you can burn for the remainder of the day. A chicken/veggie rice bowl followed by an apple should clear up the fog.

Your mind will be wandering today. You won't be able to control it, so at least look like you're focused. Keep up with that charade until quitting time. Then it's time for some serious brainlessness, like enjoying a fried chicken TV dinner while watching 'Two and A Half Men.' Now, that's brainless!

It's not a good day to fly blindly into decision-making. Do your research and listen to instincts before deciding, a strategy that will work for you at the office. Afterward, though, throw decision-making to the wind by ordering a burrito, and telling them to load it up with whatever they like.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!

You'll have to get used to slow-moving and disorganized people today. They'll be everywhere, in the office, on the subway, at line at the supermarket. At that point you'll throw up your hands and head directly to the local deli, where you can finally gain control at the salad and sandwich bar.

You'll have too much on your plate today, but put your head down and plow on. You've always got game, so you'll get a lot accomplished. Relax at the end of this exhausting day at an Italian restaurant. The only thing you'll want to see on your plate will be a steaming pile of spaghetti and clams.

Look out for love today. It'll be a day of suggestive body language and come-on stares, and that's just from you! Should a love connection occur, a lively Mexican restaurant is ideal for a first date. But don't put too many jalapenos in the nachos. Things could go from fun to painful real quick.

Keep track of your possessions today because it'll be easy to lose them. In fact, leave the house with as few valuables as needed, a strategy that will give you peace of mind. Afterward, treat yourself to an oyster and clam seafood dinner and charge it, if you can find your wallet, that is.

Pitiful stories in the news will invoke your compassion today, and you'll want to help. So head to the grocery store and buy a basketful of tuna, canned fruit, peanut butter and other canned goods. Then donate them to your local food drive. So, in your own humble way, you'll be doing your part.

Temptations will sidetrack you from achieving your goals today. They'll be all around you, and intestinal fortitude will be needed. Just say no to the sweets, chip and fast food and yes to an awesome meal of salmon, couscous and steamed veggies in a light mango sauce. Now that's healthy eatin'!

Today will be a good one to fly new ideas up the flagpole to see who salutes them. You'll receive positive reception to most of them. Suggest new social activities for after work, as well. Using your innovative mind will be the only way you'll convince friends to eat raw sushi.

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