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Your Daily HomeScope for November 22, 2024

Your Daily HomeScope for November 22, 2024

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn't it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!

A sudden urge may overwhelm you this afternoon -- do you have a sudden, inexplicable urge to eat Mexican food? Or perhaps you can't wait for a storm to end before you leave the house to get some ice cream. Give in to your impulses -- it will be so satisfying.

There's nothing wrong with a little confidence, but when it turns into arrogance, you might have a little trouble on your hands. Don't be so sure that dinner will turn out perfectly tonight just because you cooked it perfectly last time. It will still take the skill and patience as it did in its first incarnation.

Today you will feel as light and delicious as whipped topping aloft a chilled pie. Nothing will make you melt, and no one will get too full on your sweetness. Sit pretty today, knowing that your mood and your spirit are something that others crave.

Sure you may look like a bit of a showoff if you put your new acquisition in the front yard but isn't that what a front yard is for! One shouldn't be expected to keep the yard bare just so the neighbor's won't have an inferiority complex.

The smell of cinnamon rolls will get you out of bed this morning, but the warmth of the oven and the hot, strong coffee waiting for you will be what keeps you from going back to bed. Slide gracefully into your day knowing that others have your back.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!

You would like more than anything to be an organized person, but every time you do the laundry, you can barely remember which drawer holds your socks and which holds the t-shirts. Find creative ways to trick your left brain into action, exercising those organizational muscles.

Be a group leader today as members of your gang splinter off to do different activities. Some may wish to run around outdoors and others might prefer to crochet inside. Make sure everyone is active and happy, and make extra sure that everyone knows what time to be back for dinner.

The task you have planned for today may feel a bit more like a barn raising than a simple household chore. Get together your closest friends, plan a hearty lunch the night before, and turn this into a stellar event. Good spirits and fun music will get you through the day.

If you can't journey to far away places due to life's constraints, journey to some faraway places within your home. When was the last time you were in the tool shed or the attic? Have you explored the bottom drawer of the roll top desk in the living room recently?

Sharing resources today may take on a new (and not altogether positive) spin -- don't be surprised when 'sharing' a new sewing machine with a friend turns into her 'keeping' the machine. You're never opposed to sharing the love, but don't allow yourself to get walked on today.

The hall closet is a wondrous place where you could store a whole other wardrobe, along with all that other stuff. But because it falls in international waters, you may have to share with some housemates. Clear a shelf or two and play nice.

The plan was that after breakfast and a leisurely cup of coffee, you would mosey out to the garage to do a serious clean up. But somehow your partner has disappeared between the scrambled eggs and the French press. Go and seek her out -- if you start the project alone, you may harbor resentment.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.

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