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Reuse butter tubs to make ice for coolers

Reuse butter tubs to make ice for coolers

Dear Heloise: I have another use for butter tubs and other containers of this size. I save them to freeze water to use in the ice chest while I'm away on vacation. We're not always in a place where you can buy ice. These big blocks of ice last longer, and the container can be used time and time again. -- Patty, in Bakersfield, California

Mug eggs

Dear Heloise: I have been making "mug eggs" in my microwave for some time. In a small bowl, mix two eggs with whatever added ingredients you wish: shredded cheese, sliced mushrooms, diced celery, sliced olives, spinach, etc. Pour the egg mixture into a large coffee mug that has been coated with a nonstick spray. Cover with waxed paper, then cook at 70% power for 1 ½ minutes.

When done, just dump it out onto your breakfast plate for a delicious and easily cleaned-up meal. Cooking time may vary with different microwave ovens. -- Janet Sloey, Manchester, Missouri

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Dear Heloise: We raised three kids in four years, my son being the oldest. I once ruined his favorite shirt in the wash, and he was angry with me. We proceeded to the laundry room, and I taught him "Laundry 101." He was 11. A lightbulb went off in my head, and I then taught my two younger daughters how to do laundry. They all started doing their own laundry! Less work for Mama! -- Gloria Liefke, in California

Glass markers

Dear Heloise: We have a large family, so when a lot of people are over, it can be hard to keep drinking glasses straight. Rather than using plastic cups so that the names can be written on them, we use our regular glasses, but I put rubber bands or new, unused elastic hair bands of different colors and styles around the glasses. It saves on plastic waste. -- P.G., in Missouri

Cookie sheet cleanup

Dear Heloise: I never, or almost never, have problems cleaning my cookie sheets. A couple of them have been around for more than 45 years. Some of them are newer and nonstick, and I purchased the last ones at the dollar store.

It was recommended that we use shiny pans in our new oven; however, I use parchment paper on all of my cookie sheets. The ones that I bought 45 years ago make the best cookies! I just discard the parchment paper and put them back in the cabinet. No messy cleanup! -- A Reader, via email

Watch your meds

Dear Heloise: When taking your daily meds or filling up your weekly supply, stay away from your sink. If a spill occurs, your meds may disappear down the drain or get damaged in the sink! -- MaryJean C., in Rutland, Vermont

Saving plastic tubs

Dear Heloise: You recently printed a letter about not tossing out margarine tubs or yogurt cups with lids. As you said, not only can they be used for small items, but you can also call around and see if there's like a sewing class or an organization that can use them for storage.

Also, you might even consider donating them to a homeless shelter. They can be used for the homeless to put their dinners in instead of paper bags. -- Gerie Braun, via email

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