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Confience Winlims Web-Based Functional LIMS Software

Confience Winlims Web-Based Functional LIMS Software

The LIMS Events feature allows emails, text messages and/or reports to be automatically issued whenever the status of a record changes. This feature greatly enhances the speed of information dissemination and eliminates time-consuming tasks. For example, LIMS Events can be used to inform staff members when a product fails to meet product specifications. It can also be used to automatically issue reports to customers and submitters when all testing has been completed and data review has been performed.

Full Audit Trails (OTS)

WinLIMS complies with (FDA regulation 21 CFR Part ll) requirement for audit trails. Audit trails can be applied to any of the tables within WinLIMS and will audit any addition, update, or deletion of the records within the table. Audit trailing can be transparent to the user automatically recording user date and time or can prompt the user for comments.

Security and User Privileges (OTS)

The security and user privileges manager allows the system administrator to determine the level of security that will be used by their WinLIMS system. The security management system retains an easy to use interface, while adding the features of 128-bit password encryption and great refinement in user access. The security system is multi-layered:

LIMS Event Triggers and Actions (OTS)

WinLIMS allows the users to define specific events and what actions are required when the event is triggered. Typically events are sample or batch status related, for example, a sample being out of specification could be the event trigger and the action an email notification to selected people, the following are typical actions:

Report Generation (OTS)

Confience provides integration for Crystal Reports due to its ability to work with all of the WinLIMS supported databases, its powerful functionality and its affordable price. By virtue of utilizing an open architecture database, WinLIMS allows each laboratory to select the report generator which best suits their needs. Currently the report writers that are being used with WinLIMS includes IQ Objects, Business Objects, Access, Report Windows, Report Smith and more.

Sample and Batch Archiving (OTS)

Although there is no limit to the size of a WinLIMS database, it may become prudent to remove data that is infrequently accessed from the active WinLIMS database in order to optimize database performance. WinLIMS includes a data archive function, which enables users to select samples for removal based on any sample identification field. This means that samples may be archived by date, product, project, etc. or any combination thereof.

Barcode Label Printing (OTS)

Barcode labels can be printed automatically on the login of batches or samples. The design of the labels to be printed is under the control of the selected WinLIMS user, the labels can contain both human readable text as well as barcodes.

Document Control (OTS)

The document control function is designed to integrate essential documents into any of the WinLIMS applications. Examples might be standard operating procedures or health and safety documentation, normally held as PC files or even hard copy. Documents can be in any format: spreadsheets, word processor files or html files. Special tools for document management not normally found in LIMS systems are available. For example, documents located on a server can be catalogued automatically into the document manager rather than registered manually.

WinLIMS Administration Tools (OTS)

WinLIMS provides the system administrators with the following administration tools:

Data Import and Export (OTS)

Data can be imported to and exported from WinLIMS in all the normal formats. The commonly supported formats are PDF, Excel, Word, ASCII and CSV.

Derived Results Calculation Engine (OTS)

Virtually all mathematical functions are supported, including Boolean algebra: functions such as [IF], [THEN] etc, especially useful when working in the GLP or GMP environments. The software's exceptional flexibility allows calculation routines that can use numeric values from anywhere within the WinLIMS tables, enabling techniques such as 'cross sample' calculation, i.e. the ability to incorporate results from one sample in the calculation of results for another. An example of this might be the application of correction coefficients tracking the performance of an analysis against calibration standards to correct results 'on the fly' at any time in a series of measurements.

Batch Template Manager (OTS)

The WinLIMS Batch Template Manager enables users to pre-define batch details and sample types for quick insertion of batch samples.

Mobile Apps (OTS)

WinLIMS includes Mobile applications that can be used on any handheld device that supports a browser. Mobile applications make it possible for field samplers to create samples and enter results and readings that are taken during the sampling process. This feature is ideal for environmental labs as well as production facilities. Mobile Applications adds efficiency by eliminating duplication of effort while eliminating transcription errors. Labels (including barcodes) and worksheets can be pre-printed as the samples are remotely registered to eliminate the backlog of paperwork that is experienced upon sample delivery. In addition, by logging samples and field readings, the lab is given forewarning of incoming samples to efficiently schedule testing.