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Human Remains Reveal Shocking Truth Of What Happened After Western Roman Empire Collapsed

Human Remains Reveal Shocking Truth Of What Happened After Western Roman Empire Collapsed

Just when you thought the Roman Empire couldn't get any more exciting, a study published mid-August detailed how DNA shifted among elites once their civilization collapsed.

The Roman Empire collapsed around the 5th century, A.D., when power was decentralized from Rome and a whole new sociological makeup emerged throughout Europe and North Africa, according to the study published in the journal PNAS. DNA evidence suggests elite Romans were key to rebuilding a new society after theirs collapsed, and a big part of their process was enhancing the genetic diversity of their people throughout Medieval Europe.

"Analyzing 28 new genomes with 24 previous ones revealed that the site was formed around biologically and socially connected high-ranking groups. The community also integrated newcomers and embraced individuals with diverse genetic ancestries," the authors wrote in the study. At first, families of higher social status had distinct genetic ancestries, but over time, these families diversified significantly into their local communities.

Could it be that these individuals were welcomed, or were they necessary to quell the impacts of inbreeding? The authors argued that elites must have acted from a perspective of "(political) agency rather than belonging to biologically homogeneous groups." This suggests our ancestors knew that real power comes from politicking and not nepotism. (RELATED: Prisoner's Prayer 'Lord, Make Them Die An Awful Death' Found Carved In Ancient Cell)

The study reveals the complex nature under which the Roman Empire collapsed and its members were forced to rebuild. The results imply that the only way to survive and thrive in a post-Empire region is by laying aside differences and joining with those most equipped to weather the storm.

Had these ancient peoples not put aside their familial commitments, and led from a position of intellect and power, Europe may never have maintained its position as a global powerhouse. Maybe this should give us something to consider when looking at our own leaders: How many of them are in positions of power because they're related to someone powerful, as opposed to deserving to be there?

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