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Heads up FYI: Drumpf's couple of stooge podcast "interviewers" - Phil McGRAW & Theo VON

Heads up FYI: Drumpf's couple of stooge podcast "interviewers" - Phil McGRAW & Theo VON

No need to introduce McGRAW, one of Oprah's biggist inflictions. VON is a young (44 yrs old) comedian, who possibly made it on his own but is close to ROGAN if not one of the ROGAN circle of puppets he pushes career-upwards. He's got a sort of Southern Gothic (N'Orleans) background and idiosyncratic twists in his comedic perspective, comes across as more honest in his curiosity than ROGAN's YouTube pretense to knowing stuff, and vulnerable in life struggles (interaction dysfunctions, addiction recovery). But he pings the radar for White-Male-silo/thinking as with all of the ROGAN mob.

So, McGRAW used to act to be a non-partisan clinical professional, but has thrown that over the side to be an outright Drumpf wingnut. In this new incident, he is blatant. As for VON, below is his behind-the-scenes of the actual interview with Drumpf, and he is frankly impressed with the mafia style opulence of Merde-a-Loco - marveling that the poolside umbrellas are specially treated against bird poop, "birds poop on poor folks" - spilling about being felt-up (patted down) by security. Paranoid about using the loo, that the Secret Service might be listening for Morse Code in his pissing. Oddly, in the earlier non-Drumpf part of the video, he describes a rodeo he went to and says he thinks there should be more Gay fans for the thrill, "especially when the rider is on a MALE animal" (huh?) - ROGAN & many podcasters fascinated with their projections. In the actual interview with Drumpf he was nervous but attempted to interact on a non-celebrity basis, trying to humanize Drumpf, who was low key for a change and told him that Barron was a fan. He ate there after the interview, and Drumpf entered to the usual hullabaloo and operated the DJ function. Surprise, that VON met Ivanka and Jared there - I thought she was out of the Merde scene.



.... Trump sat for an interview with Dr. Phil last week that was posted Tuesday night on McGraw's Merit+ platform. McGraw is openly and vociferously supportive of Trump. ....

DR. PHIL: I'm not saying that they wanted you to get shot, but do you think it was okay with them if you did?

DONALD TRUMP: I don't know. I mean, I don't know. There's a lot of hatred. I don't know why. ....


At the 15:59 mark:

At the 19:17 mark, "a lot of what you've said sounds Conservative to me."


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