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"Not the Eyeballs!" -- Woman Finds Dead Lizard Carcass in Hair, Records Real-Time Discovery

By Mustafa Gatollari

"Not the Eyeballs!"  --  Woman Finds Dead Lizard Carcass in Hair, Records Real-Time Discovery

Her clip begins with her showing off her ponytail into the camera where she is aghast, expressing disgust at what she believes she just found strewn about her follicles.

"It literally looks like the carcass of a f--king lizard," she says, visibly shocked and disgusted into the camera. She then grabs a hair clip that she opens and begins to carefully use to extricate the object from her hair.

After pulling it closer to the camera lens it becomes clear that her initial fears were unfortunately verified: A dead lizard was, indeed, inside of her hair. "I'm gonna throw up. I'm actually gonna throw up," she says, then throws down the hair clip and covers her mouth with her hand.

"What the f--k?!" she exclaims several times. "Get out! Oh ... my God!" Amanda then rattles off a string of expletives in utter disbelief that her hair had a small, dead lizard's body inside of it.

"I have to cut out my whole f--king head of hair," she said, horrified that there was a tiny dead creature inside of it, presumably for sanitary, but also, trauma response purposes.

"What the actual f--k?! The f--k did this come from?" she asks on camera, showing the lizard's dead body up to the lens. She backs away from the camera and begins breathing heavily.

"I am terrified, I am terrified, I am terrified!" she repeats ad nauseam before the video cuts to her looking off camera and then back directly into the lens again. Her mouth is still wide open.

After attempting to compose herself, she directs her camera to highlight the dead lizard on a countertop. "I am literally f--king dumbfounded," she says, before trying to explore how the animal could've ended up in her hair without her knowing.

"I used this headband as like a hair tie when I was working earlier ... so maybe it was like wedged in between this headband? I don't f--king know, oh my god!" she says, only able to maintain her composure for a short while before wigging out again.

"I can't even look at it. I literally cannot f--king look at it. Oh ... I don't know what to do. My like insides are f--king itching now," she continues. She caps off the video with a gagging noise as she records herself in a bathroom mirror and the clip ends up cutting out.

One person said that they, too, had a creepy crawly incident of their own that has stayed with them forever. Their anecdote doesn't bode well for Amanda's ability to permanently suppress this memory from popping up in her mind to randomly give her the ick.

"One time when I was squeezing shampoo out of my hair I felt wriggling in my hand and it was an earwig. That was 20 years ago I've never recovered. Good luck to you," they penned.

And another person remarked that even though Amanda warned viewers she thought a dead lizard body was inside of her hair, they still weren't ready to see a dead lizard in her hair: "You did say carcass of a lizard but I was not prepared to see the carcass of a lizard."

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