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Tuesday's two-for has kids and parents riding high all day long at Holmes County Fair

Tuesday's two-for has kids and parents riding high all day long at Holmes County Fair

Enjoying rides was twice as much fun at half the price for visitors to the 101st Holmes County Fair on Tuesday.

Two for Tuesday meant discounted ride wristbands at two for $24 that allowed the kids to ride all day.

"I think it's awesome. With two kids, spending just $24 for the wrist bands so both my kids can ride unlimited is a great deal," said Miranda Schmid of Wooster.

Many other parents agreed. They appreciated the savings provided by Kissel Amusement Co.

"We were planning to come tomorrow for Kids Day, but the ride passes were the same price today, so that's why we came today," said Kaylee Thompson of Millersburg, whose two sons, 6 and almost 8, were having fun, while mom saved some money. "When you bring more than one kid, it definitely helps out a lot, because it adds up quickly."

Grant Fox, from the Holmes County side of Shreve, said he appreciates the savings when bringing his troops to the fair. He had his three children, along with his niece.

"I definitely look forward to getting the kids out here today," Fox said. "It's good to be able to save a little money on the rides. This way we can splurge a little on some of the other things."

While some of the kids prefer the fast, thrill rides, others preferred the spinning rides that took them up and down, over and over again.

"I like that ride over there," said 11-year old Nick Crider of Millersburg, pointing to the Rock-O-Plane. The Ferris wheel-type ride went around and around, but the individual cages spun around.

"I like flipping a lot, plus it's fun getting stuck upside down," Crider added.

Addison Tracy of Millersburg and her friend, Mary Schlabach, both liked riding the Music Express the best. It was a simple ride that went around the track really fast.

Ava Baird of Walnut Creek and Shiloh Nisley of Berlin both said they liked the Hurricane the best.

"It goes really fast and it goes up and down," Baird said.

Wednesday is another discounted day for rides, as all-day ride wristbands are for $12 noon-4 p.m.

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