Written and directed by Noah Pritzker, Ex-Husbands follows Peter Pearce (Dunne), a Manhattan dentist wryly floundering in a late midlife crisis, as he tries to stay close with his directionless sons and chart a new course in life. Peter is stunned when his elderly father (Richard Benjamin) tells him he's decided to divorce Peter's mother after 65 years with the unlikely prospect of taking one last shot of finding true love. Six years later, with his father in a nursing home, Peter is decorating his own bachelor pad, finding himself out on his ear at the behest of his wife (Rosanna Arquette) of 35 years. His eldest, under achieving, self-defeating Nick (James Norton) is in the process of torpedoing his own engagement. Younger brother Mickey (Miles Heizer), recently out of the closet, tries to stay sane as his family members all melt down around him.
Produced by Bruce Cohen, Alexandra Byer, and Nicolás Celis, the film had its international premiere at the San Sebastián Film Festival and made its U.S. debut at the Hamptons Film Festival. Dunne was an executive producer.
Stated Greenwich Entertainnment co-president Edward Arentz, "It's a delight to see Dunne in the lead again delivering another charismatically lived-in performance in Noah's unapologetically melancholy, droll study of muddled men."
Added Pritzker, "Ed and his wonderful team at Greenwich are true champions of independent film and I am thrilled that Ex-Husbands has resonated with them. For the last year, Griffin and I have toured the world with it, and have been incredibly moved by the response. We can't wait to share it with a wider audience in the new year."