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Issue with unwanted male attention.

Issue with unwanted male attention.

I usually ride my bike to work and many of the regular clients have noticed this. There are two separate men who are about 80 years old (I am 68) who are pool regulars and are both into cycling, and have asked for my phone number so they can call me to go on bike rides with them. (They don't know each other.) They both have wives who are quite disabled due to age-related issues.

They are in amazingly great shape mentally and physically - lean and fit, no dementia or hearing problems or anything. I chit-chat with them the same way I do with everyone else ... because it is my job ... because I'm at work! My motivation for chit-chat is not because I want to be friends with them. I do not want to go on a bike ride with them. Why do they even need me to? I know for a fact that one of them already has regular riding buddies. I don't want to socialize with them at all. I don't want them to ask me to and I don't want them to ask me for my phone number.

What do you suppose is motivating them to ask me? Are they just simply social, friendly people and the more friends the merrier? Do they simply want a riding companion? If so, would it be more appropriate for them to find male riding partners? I just hate that they asked me. It just feels inappropriate to me because I'm at WORK, I'm not at a damn cocktail party.

There's nothing I hate more than unwanted male attention (aka, being hit on), but are they even hitting on me? What do you think? This really, really bothers me a lot, but maybe I'm making something out of nothing. I need some perspective.

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