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'That's 'super weird', people say as mum plans to name twins after famous lovers

By Becky Pemberton

'That's 'super weird', people say as mum plans to name twins after famous lovers

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A PREGNANT woman has raised eyebrows after revealing the names she has picked out for her twin babies.

It can be tricky choosing names for twins that go together, but she caused a stir with the monikers she had lined up.

One of her friends took to Reddit to share their views on the names in question, which were two very famous fictional lovers.

They wrote: "(Not for me more of a concern post) my friend is planning on naming her twins Romeo and Juliet.

"I love both names on their own and think they go well together but also worry that people may find the names weird considering everyone knows them as the star-crossed lovers.

"She didn't seem to think it was weird until I brought it up and I'm worried that I'm being paranoid over nothing.

"She says she'll change it if other people think it's weird (hence why I'm making this post) but doesn't know what she'll change it too."

The person added that her step-brother's twins are called Cassandra and Apollo.

The friend added: "I think [it] is even weirder considering Cassandra didn't even love Apollo and was cursed for rejecting him."

They asked Reddit users for their views, saying: "Is it weird to name siblings after famous lovers?"

People were quick to say they agreed and the mum should steer clear of the name choice.

One person wrote: "Personally, I would never use twin (or even sibling) names of well known/famous romantic pairings.

And a third commented: "Especially since Romeo and Juliet is such a classic that everyone knows. It's not an association you can escape."

Meanwhile, one person offered up: "If she wants something Shakespeare inspired without the uncomfortable implications, there's always Sebastian and Viola, the actual twins from Twelfth Night."

Meanwhile, a pregnant woman was likely left feeling disappointed after her top baby names were met with disapproval.

She shared a list of unique name options with voters.

Redditor TodaysSecretWordIs shared the parent's predicament in a post.

"My girl name list is between these (I'm nine months along) and need help deciding something unique," the mom wrote.

"If you don't like my choices, please keep it to yourself!"

Her selection of options includes Umbrella (pronounced Um-bri-Ella), Berghandi "Burgundy but with Gandhi's name), Poakly "like poison oak combined", Periwinkle, and Xaxbella.

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