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CERTAIN DRI SOLID (aluminum sesquichlorohydrate) stick [Clarion Brands, LLC]

CERTAIN DRI SOLID (aluminum sesquichlorohydrate) stick [Clarion Brands, LLC]

Clinical Strength Certain Dri® Roll-On contains Aluminum Chloride (A1C13), the ingredient prescribed by doctors to patients with hyperhidrosis or excessive perspiration. Laboratory studies prove that aluminum chloride is more effective and longer lasting than other ingredients found in anti-perspirants. Yet it is safe when used as directed. Clinical Strength Certain Dri® Solid contains Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrate, also effective for extended protection and better for individuals with more sensitive skin.

IMPORTANT. Because of its therapeutic ingredients, Clinical Strength Certain Dri® anti-perspirant is used differently from all other anti-perspirants. For maximum effect, it is important to follow directions very carefully.


CAUTION. Do not use immediately after shaving or showering; or if skin is broken or irritated. Skin area must be completely dry prior to application. Discontinue use if rash develops. Keep away from eyes. Keep out of reach of children.

Clinical Strength Certain Dri® 72hr protection Roll-on or Solid work best when used at night. For extra freshness throughout the day, we have specially formulated Everyday Strength Certain Dri® A.M. Solid or Roll-on antiperspirant as a companion just for morning use. Pair one of the Clinical Strength formula products with either Everyday Strength Certain Dri® A.M. product for prescription strength protection and daily freshness. All Certain Dri® products are intended for use by both men and women.


If you suffer from excessive perspiration, THE CERTAIN DRI PROTECTION SYSTEM™ offers complete underarm security and confidence under all situations:


What causes perspiration?

Any of the following factors, separately or in combination, can cause varying amounts of perspiration: physical exertion; mental or emotional stress; warm or hot temperatures; nonporous, heavy clothing; obesity or endocrine dysfunction; inherited factors.

Why does perspiration occur?

When your body "overheats" as a result of any of the above factors, it activates the sweat glands, especially those in the underarm area (axillary glands), to produce perspiration which is emitted through your skin pores. The perspiration then evaporates to produce a cooling effect, thereby reducing the body's skin temperature.

What causes underarm odor?

In its freshly released state, perspiration is generally odorless. However, when it exists in a confined and damp underarm area, it decomposes and causes odor-producing bacteria to form. Combined with natural salt and uric acid which are also emitted through the pores, the perspiration then takes on its familiar unpleasant odor.

What is a deodorant?

A deodorant is any kind of fragrance used to cover up or deodorize one odor with another. While perfumes are generally used, some people resort to herb, fruit or musk aromas to disguise underarm odor. Rarely, however, can a deodorant inhibit perspiration or retard bacterial growth and odor for more than a very brief time.

What is an anti-perspirant?

A true anti-perspirant, as its name implies, should - like Certain Dri® - shrink and close off underarm pores to inhibit the flow of perspiration. The more effective the formulation, the more effective and longer lasting the anti-perspirant relief will be. Generally an anti-perspirant is also a deodorant because it prevents perspiration which is the source of odor-causing bacteria. However, a deodorant is not an anti-perspirant.

Is it safe to close off underarm pores?

Yes. Both underarms represent an area of only about 6 to 8 sq. in. Nature simply and safely redistributes the perspiration around to the other 2,700± sq. in. of the body's skin surface.

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