I keep most of my domain names registered at GoDaddy because I find it is easier to manage a portfolio at one registrar. Throughout the year as I acquire domain names at auction, my other registrar accounts grow. I have domain names at Network Solutions, Namecheap, Dynadot, NameBright, and probably a few other domain registrars.
As the year winds down, I tend to consolidate my domain names at GoDaddy. I will go into my other registrar accounts, do a bulk unlock and auth code request, and pay for domain name transfers to GoDaddy. I frequently encounter failed transfers, usually because the domain name was acquired within the 60 day lock period most registrars have in place (or a 60 day ICANN lock on new registrations for drop catch auctions).
I recently learned that transfers that fail aren't automatically refunded. I am unsure if the transfers will automatically be restarted when the 60 day lock period ends or if my Account Manager at GoDaddy restarts these transfers for me. What I do know is that when I pay for a domain name transfer, it doesn't get refunded automatically if the transfer fails. I can request a refund if I opt to not transfer it (in the case of a sold domain name), or the transfer can be restarted.
If you're doing a bulk domain name transfer, you should be aware that failed transfers aren't automatically refunded at GoDaddy. You can opt to restart the transfer when the lock is removed (or whatever other issue is resolved) or you can request a refund.